• Escolinhas de surf se concentram no canto esquerdo
  • Fishbone Café tem lanches saudáveis e com vista para o mar
  • Horizonte a perder de vista
  • Pranchas podem ser alugadas ao longo da praia
  • Extensa, é procurada para caminhadas e corridas
  • Juventude toma conta do Fischbone Café até anoitecer
  • Boas formações também para praticar bodyboarding
  • Barquinhos também têm espaço no point dos surfistas
  • Vegetação confere ares rústicos ao cenário
  • Boas ondas quebram o ano inteiro
  • Pousadas e casas de veraneio  acompanham toda a praia
  • Fim de Tarde
  • Praia de Geribá
  • Tarde em Geribá


Long, with waves, clear waters and a wide strip of white sand, Geribá is one of the key points in Búzios and is a gathering ground for the young crowd that packs the inns and vacation homes.

The beach is ideal for sports such as surfing, body boarding, foot volley, windsurfing and stand up paddle, in addition to flirting! The buzz is focused in front of the Fishbone Café, on the right corner, which features a bar, restaurant, pizzeria, fish grill and lounge where electronic music is played on holidays and during the summer, especially in late afternoon.

Those traveling with the family will find calmer seas on the left corner, where it’s nicer to swim with the kids. Also on the left corner, there is an easily accessible trail that leads to the beautiful Ferradurinha beach.

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